Website Policy

Except as provided below, you may not reproduce or distribute such contents in whole or in part without the prior written at all times.

You may use and reproduce one copy of materials available from The Vine website for your own personal use and non-commercial application. Written permission is required for all other uses. To request permission, please email us at info@thevine.org.hk including your contact details and a general description of the material you wish to reproduce, the number of copies you plan to create, and a brief description of how these copies will be used.

The information and data included in The Vine website have been compiled from a variety of sources, and are subject to change at any time without notice from The Vine. The Vine makes no warranties or representations whatsoever regarding the quality, content, completeness, accuracy or adequacy of such information and data.

The information is not intended to be specific advice relating to an individual’s circumstances. Individuals requiring counselling or advice should not rely only on material on this site but speak to appropriately qualified persons, and The Vine can refer you to such people. Any information that you may send to us via email may not be considered confidential information.

Privacy Policy

The Vine Church Limited (The Vine) respects your privacy and is committed to complying with the data protection principles and all relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance in Hong Kong (the ‘Ordinance’).

To safeguard your personal data privacy rights, The Vine ensures that our policies and practices in the collection, use, retention, transfer and access of personal data are in line with the Ordinance.

In order to let you have a better understanding of The Vine, we, from time to time, will send you various categories of information, such as our newsletters, invitations to events/conferences, workshops and other Vine activities, including solicitation for contributions or donations, if any. We will continue to use your personal data (including name, telephone number, fax number, email and mailing addresses) for the purpose of providing you with information related to The Vine as mentioned above.

The Vine will not sell, lease or transfer or otherwise disclose your personal information in any form to any third or external party. We are committed to protecting your privacy and handle your personal data with care.

You have the right of access to, and correction of, personal data kept and used by The Vine in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance. If at any time, you wish to access, amend or do not wish to receive all or a particular category of the information from us, you can notify us in writing by post (29 Burrows Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong) or by email to info@thevine.org.hk.

For enquiries, please contact us on 3527 6000.